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Alliance MMA股票价格

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Alliance MMA Inc., is a sports media company that operates a regional mixed martial arts (MMA) promotion business. The Company operates regional [ZH] Alliance MMA Inc: 上市场所: 纳斯达克交易所: 证券类型: 普通股: 发行方式: 公开发售: 首发上市日: 2016/10/06: 首发价格(元): 4.5000: 首发数量(股): 2,222,308: 首发募资总额(USD/元): 10,000,386.00 本页介绍纳斯达克综合指数包括哪些股票,即NASDAQ Composite成分股名单,及这些股票个股今日行情。 From microcontrollers and processors to sensors, analog ICs and connectivity, our technologies are fueling innovation in automotive, consumer, industrial and networking.

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